
Newalta - Case Study


Web Development, CMS (Silverstripe) URL:



Newalta, an industrial services company with a large North American footprint, delivers engineered environmental solutions.

For the Newalta website, we made a real effort to automate content creation as much as possible.

The CMS requires the user to only fill out the most basic information, tick boxes and click and drag to order.

CTAs are automatically labelled and designed based on file type, pages are auto-generated based on a list of checked services, maps are created simply on lat/long coordinates which also inform links that provide directions from where you currently are.

Through deep testing and collaboration with the client, we covered as many cases as we could to make site updates as smooth and predictable as we could.

Newalta Homepage

Newalta Homepage

The Homepage has News, Case Studies, Highlights and more information surfaced from deeper site pages. All client controlled via the CMS.

Facility Manager

The bulk of the behind the scenes work was done on the Facility Manager. We developed a tool to manage the 45+ facilities Newalta owns and operates around North America.

Newalta - Facility Manager

Newalta - Facility Manager

Newalta is able to enter in all the facility information and services available into the manager and have it output to the Facility Locator map allowing users to filter by services and location.

Newalta - Our Services

Newalta - Our Services

Only facilities closest to the user are loaded in unless adjusted. Info in the Facility Manager auto-builds the Facility pages, gives Google map directions and contact information.

Newalta - Facility Page

Newalta - Facility Page

Newalta - Nav

Newalta - Nav

That nav, right? There are four separate layouts happening, and in a CMS where everything needs to be automated, that's tricky. There's the normal four across layout, the four across 'with' icons, the two across, and the Facility Manager at the end that's blue and with its own icon.

Also, the text is bottom aligned, except for the icon set. Then do it all over again for the mobile nav. That nav, right?

Newalta - Events & Presentations

Newalta - Events & Presentations

Small Touches

The smart buttons. When the client uploads a file, the buttons add a pdf icon and open in a new tab and doesn't do that with a simple link.

The Events page has a 'Feature' feature to allow Newalta to push an event up to the top of the queue as featured. And events past their posted date will automatically be listed under the Past Events header.

Lots more small examples of trying to automate as much as possible. Frees up the clients time, keeps the site information current and accurate. Also, guarantees the styling and formatting of everything is consistent.

Giving clients free rein of a WYSIWYG/CMS can sometimes lead to frustrations or inconsistencies and we worked hard to make their experience as smooth as possible.

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Hey bud
Hey bud
Hey bud
Hey bud
Hey bud
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