Zena B's Raw Honey - Case Study


Website, Headless CMS, Static site, Design, Web Development



Zena B's Raw Honey is genuine, pure honey from small town Saskatchewan.

The Zena B's website was an experiment in how far I could get a website for spending as little as possible.

I had a list of criteria to meet before proceeding with the tech stack.

  • New method of design - Figma (a free Sketch alternative)
  • Headless CMS (DatoCMS)
  • Ability to accept form submissions (Netlify)
  • https (Let's Encrypt)
  • Learn new frameworks/tech (Gatsby, GraphQL, React, Netlify, DatoCMS)
  • Free (or as close to it)

Turns out it's about $13 bucks and a 💯 Google Page Speed Lighthouse score.

Visit Website
Site Tour

In Stock / Sold Out

In Stock / Sold Out

Gooey Mobile Menu Animation

Label design process

Label design process

Side Labels

Side Labels

Lid Labels

Lid Labels

Best product shot I have :(

Best product shot I have :(

Building the site using this tech stack and platform has earned a 💯 from Google's PageSpeed Insites. * dab *

100% Google PageSpeed Insights Score

100% Google PageSpeed Insights Score
Award Corner

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